School Policies


 School Fee Policy

The Accountant/School Bursar is charged with ensuring that the financial affairs of the school are conducted in a manner consistent with the school’s mission, principles and policies, and long-range goal by the board of governors.

The accountant is a member of the management team, working closely with the Head of School and other key officers in the school.

The pupil’s school fee is expected to be paid a week before resumption. Every child should resume on the first day of the school with the teller of the payment in exchange for a receipt.

For more information on school fee, kindly contact the school Bursar/Accountant through the school lines.

Pay in advance for lunch to guarantee your child getting food on the first day of school

  • Pay in advance for all extra-curricular activities after indicating and signing the after school club form.
  • Written receipts will always be issued for all transactions.
  • Direct all queries in person or via email or phone for any and all additional copies of your school fee invoice.
  • One full term’s notice must be given when withdrawing students. Otherwise school fees will be forfeited

Admissions Policy

Our school offers continuous enrolment and admits pupils throughout the year.

Admission Procedure

Application forms for the primary and nursery sections are available in the school for collection or can be downloaded from the web site. A completely filled form with passport sized photograph and other relevant documents should be submitted with the receipt of payment.

We encourage you to visit our school so that you can tour, see our classrooms, speak with the Admission Officer and meet our incredible staff. The admission form should be filled and returned to us along with medical records, copy of a birth certificate and at least two passport- sized photos.

Children are placed in classes after assessment examinations and an oral interview with the Director. Children are placed in the age appropriate classes and the cutoff date for children is September 30th. However, the Director reserves the right to withhold admission when necessary.

Communication Policy

The school recognizes the importance of good communication between the school and parents. We shall do our best to keep you informed of school events and activities as well as the progress of your child in good time.  We also aim to be as open as possible to suggestions and requests from parents. The school has wide range of professionals available to help parents with any questions or issues they may have.


Birthday Party Policy

We accept donations of books to the school library clearly stamped with the name of the celebrant and acknowledgment in the school newsletter in the place of party packs.

Kindly note that party packs are not allowed in school. A birthday cake together with drinks, serviette/foil paper may be brought to the school during break time and not before to avoid disruptions to the timetable.

Resumption Policy

All students are expected in school not later than 7:45am prompt each morning and attendances taken by each class teacher at the beginning of each lesson. Pupils who are late and those who are absent will be recorded appropriately. Children should be in school latest 8am prompt. The school            gate will be locked from 8:30am prompt and reopen for pick up at 1:30pm. Children who come later than 8:15am without prior notification will have their names recorded in the late registers.

Absence Policy

If your child is absent from school for any reason, please inform the school Administrator or the head teacher on the phone or in writing. This should be done prior to the event in the case of a planned absence (e.g. holiday/visit to the hospital).For sickness or other planned absence, please send an explanatory letter when your child returns to school or call the school office to explain.

Teaching and Learning policy

Teaching and learning ensures that all our pupils are provided with high quality learning experience that leads to consistently high levels of achievement. We believe that pupils absorb only a fraction of verbal instruction in class. Pupils learn most effectively through engaging, active,            challenging, learning experiences both in and outside the classroom using a variety of teaching methodologies. We believe that our pupils learn most effectively when they:

  • are challenged with learning which matches and extends their ability
  • are actively involved in their own learning and enquire for themselves
  • are engaged, motivated and stimulated
  • are encouraged, praised and rewarded
  • achieve success and do not fear failure
  • feel secure
  • have a strong and clear value system and are aware of boundaries
  • reflect upon their own processes of learning


Off-Site Policy

The pupils have physical education and sports Off-Site across the road from the primary school site. They are accompanied by class teachers and caregivers at all times according to child/adult ratios.


School Trip Policy

The pupils have scheduled school trips during the session. A trip during Hilary term for educational purposes and another trip during Trinity term to celebrate Children’s Day. Parental consent will be sought for each trip during the session.

Assessment Policy

The school recognizes that teaching, learning and assessment are fundamentally interdependent. The quality of assessment has a significant     impact on pupils’ attitude to learning and on attainment by motivating and       challenging pupils to work hard and by encouraging teachers to focus on how to improve the learning of individual pupils. We recognize that pupils have diverse skills that require a range of assessment methods. Summative assessment will appraise a broad range of concepts, attitudes, knowledge and skills appropriate to the subject.

The pupils take two sets of tests and one exam every term. One test will take place four weeks into the term and the second will take place two weeks after midterm. However, the pupils will be assessed every Friday on the work for the week.


Homework Policy

We believe that homework is an important part of becoming a lifelong learner and to enable pupils realizes that learning is not confined to the classroom alone. With encouragement and monitoring by parents they can:


  • Establish self-discipline and develop good study habits.
  • Form a link between home and school.
  • Have the opportunity to extend learning and reinforce skills.

Homework is encouraged at all levels to give pupils the opportunity to reinforce or review skills and concept; to encourage independent creativity such and to promote independent reading and learning. Reading should be encouraged on a nightly basis.


Behaviour and Discipline Policy

We believe that in order for effective teaching and learning to take place, Positive behaviour in all aspects of school life is necessary. The school practices a strict behaviour plan, which is based on communicating clear expectations to pupils.


The school wide discipline plan is intended to protect the rights of our pupils as well as to develop happy, considerate and responsible young people. All community members are to be treated with respect, regardless of ability, gender, age, race and nationality. Every member of staff will seek to create an inclusive, caring, learning environment in the school by:

  1. Promoting positive behavior and discipline by encouraging a culture of praise and collaboration in which all students can achieve: Awards are            presented during assembly when pupils reach certain numbers of merits by            demonstrating good conduct over a period of time.
  2. Promoting positive behaviour and discipline through leadership opportunities: Leadership opportunities give children a feeling of            involvement and responsibility for aspects of school life and improve            behavior and self-esteem. Opportunities include       becoming class            representatives, school prefect, working committee member, etc.
  3. Promoting positive behaviour and discipline through inclusion: All pupils respond positively to the atmosphere of the school when curriculum is         seen as appropriate to their needs.
  4. Promoting self-esteem, self-discipline, proper regard for authority and positive relationship with others, based on mutual respect and courtesy;
  5. Ensuring consistent and fair treatment for all;
  6. Promoting early intervention;
  7. Providing a safe environment; free from disruption, aggression, bullying and any form of harassment;
  8. Encourage a positive relationship with parents and guardians to develop a shared approach which will involve them in the implementation of the school’s procedures;

9 Helping pupils to appreciate the rights of others and the consequence of actions.


Disciplinary Procedures

Pupils are responsible for their own actions. When pupils choose poor behaviour that is not consistent with a positive learning environment, they will be subject to disciplinary consequences. A clear set of disciplinary steps will be taken to deal with behaviour that is not acceptable.

Consequences of poor behaviour must be understood and will be implemented consistently by teachers. The behavioural code is applicable during the school day, coming to and from school, during excursions and at all events organized by the school.

Discipline is most effective when it deals directly with the problem at the time and place it occurs, and in a way that pupils view as fair. School personnel who interact with pupils are expected to use disciplinary action only when necessary and to place emphasis on the pupils’ ability to grow in self-discipline.

Discipline action, when necessary, will be firm, fair and consistent so as to be most effective in changing pupil’s behavior. In determining the appropriate disciplinary action, school personnel will consider all extenuating circumstances, the pupil’s age, the nature of the offence and the circumstances that led to the offence. They will also take into account the pupils ‘prior disciplinary record and the effectiveness of other forms of discipline

  1. Suspension and Expulsion

The Head of School is empowered to suspend a pupil from the school for causes, which in her judgment warrant such action. In the event of a pupil’s suspension, it is the responsibility of the Head of School to notify the Executive Director /Chairman of the Board within 24 hours of such suspension. The Head of School will recommend expulsion to the Board who has the authority to expel a pupil.

Uniform Policy

The school supports the emphasis of the home in matters of dressing, hairstyle and good grooming.

School uniforms including those for P.E are to be purchased in the school office.

  • All pupils are required to wear uniforms with black shoes and white socks.
  • Sneakers are not allowed to be worn with school uniforms.
  • It is emphasized that the pre-school classes should put on shoes with Velcro (strap) while Nursery 2 through Elementary/Primary can put on shoes with Velcro, buckles or laces.
  • E uniforms should be worn with white socks of appropriate colour to match.


NOTE: Children with uniform bought elsewhere WILL NOT be allowed into the school.